iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-275 iccv2013-275-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Dingzeyu Li, Qifeng Chen, Chi-Keung Tang
Abstract: This paper demonstrates how the nonlocal principle benefits video matting via the KNN Laplacian, which comes with a straightforward implementation using motionaware K nearest neighbors. In hindsight, the fundamental problem to solve in video matting is to produce spatiotemporally coherent clusters of moving foreground pixels. When used as described, the motion-aware KNN Laplacian is effective in addressing this fundamental problem, as demonstrated by sparse user markups typically on only one frame in a variety of challenging examples featuring ambiguous foreground and background colors, changing topologies with disocclusion, significant illumination changes, fast motion, and motion blur. When working with existing Laplacian-based systems, our Laplacian is expected to benefit them immediately with improved clustering of moving foreground pixels.
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