iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-129 iccv2013-129-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Tae Hyun Kim, Byeongjoo Ahn, Kyoung Mu Lee
Abstract: Most conventional single image deblurring methods assume that the underlying scene is static and the blur is caused by only camera shake. In this paper, in contrast to this restrictive assumption, we address the deblurring problem of general dynamic scenes which contain multiple moving objects as well as camera shake. In case of dynamic scenes, moving objects and background have different blur motions, so the segmentation of the motion blur is required for deblurring each distinct blur motion accurately. Thus, we propose a novel energy model designed with the weighted sum of multiple blur data models, which estimates different motion blurs and their associated pixelwise weights, and resulting sharp image. In this framework, the local weights are determined adaptively and get high values when the corresponding data models have high data fidelity. And, the weight information is used for the segmentation of the motion blur. Non-local regularization of weights are also incorporated to produce more reliable segmentation results. A convex optimization-based method is used for the solution of the proposed energy model. Exper- imental results demonstrate that our method outperforms conventional approaches in deblurring both dynamic scenes and static scenes.
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