iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-128 iccv2013-128-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Ali Osman Ulusoy, Octavian Biris, Joseph L. Mundy
Abstract: This paper presents a probabilistic volumetric framework for image based modeling of general dynamic 3-d scenes. The framework is targeted towards high quality modeling of complex scenes evolving over thousands of frames. Extensive storage and computational resources are required in processing large scale space-time (4-d) data. Existing methods typically store separate 3-d models at each time step and do not address such limitations. A novel 4-d representation is proposed that adaptively subdivides in space and time to explain the appearance of 3-d dynamic surfaces. This representation is shown to achieve compression of 4-d data and provide efficient spatio-temporal processing. The advances oftheproposedframework is demonstrated on standard datasets using free-viewpoint video and 3-d tracking applications.
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