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117 iccv-2013-Discovering Details and Scene Structure with Hierarchical Iconoid Shift

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Author: Tobias Weyand, Bastian Leibe

Abstract: Current landmark recognition engines are typically aimed at recognizing building-scale landmarks, but miss interesting details like portals, statues or windows. This is because they use a flat clustering that summarizes all photos of a building facade in one cluster. We propose Hierarchical Iconoid Shift, a novel landmark clustering algorithm capable of discovering such details. Instead of just a collection of clusters, the output of HIS is a set of dendrograms describing the detail hierarchy of a landmark. HIS is based on the novel Hierarchical Medoid Shift clustering algorithm that performs a continuous mode search over the complete scale space. HMS is completely parameter-free, has the same complexity as Medoid Shift and is easy to parallelize. We evaluate HIS on 800k images of 34 landmarks and show that it can extract an often surprising amount of detail and structure that can be applied, e.g., to provide a mobile user with more detailed information on a landmark or even to extend the landmark’s Wikipedia article.

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