iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-111 iccv2013-111-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

111 iccv-2013-Detecting Dynamic Objects with Multi-view Background Subtraction

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Author: Raúl Díaz, Sam Hallman, Charless C. Fowlkes

Abstract: The confluence of robust algorithms for structure from motion along with high-coverage mapping and imaging of the world around us suggests that it will soon be feasible to accurately estimate camera pose for a large class photographs taken in outdoor, urban environments. In this paper, we investigate how such information can be used to improve the detection of dynamic objects such as pedestrians and cars. First, we show that when rough camera location is known, we can utilize detectors that have been trained with a scene-specific background model in order to improve detection accuracy. Second, when precise camera pose is available, dense matching to a database of existing images using multi-view stereo provides a way to eliminate static backgrounds such as building facades, akin to background-subtraction often used in video analysis. We evaluate these ideas using a dataset of tourist photos with estimated camera pose. For template-based pedestrian detection, we achieve a 50 percent boost in average precision over baseline.

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