iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-98 iccv2013-98-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

98 iccv-2013-Cross-Field Joint Image Restoration via Scale Map

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Author: Qiong Yan, Xiaoyong Shen, Li Xu, Shaojie Zhuo, Xiaopeng Zhang, Liang Shen, Jiaya Jia

Abstract: Color, infrared, and flash images captured in different fields can be employed to effectively eliminate noise and other visual artifacts. We propose a two-image restoration framework considering input images in different fields, for example, one noisy color image and one dark-flashed nearinfrared image. The major issue in such a framework is to handle structure divergence and find commonly usable edges and smooth transition for visually compelling image reconstruction. We introduce a scale map as a competent representation to explicitly model derivative-level confidence and propose new functions and a numerical solver to effectively infer it following new structural observations. Our method is general and shows a principled way for cross-field restoration.

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