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95 iccv-2013-Cosegmentation and Cosketch by Unsupervised Learning

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Author: Jifeng Dai, Ying Nian Wu, Jie Zhou, Song-Chun Zhu

Abstract: Cosegmentation refers to theproblem ofsegmenting multiple images simultaneously by exploiting the similarities between the foreground and background regions in these images. The key issue in cosegmentation is to align common objects between these images. To address this issue, we propose an unsupervised learning framework for cosegmentation, by coupling cosegmentation with what we call “cosketch ”. The goal of cosketch is to automatically discover a codebook of deformable shape templates shared by the input images. These shape templates capture distinct image patterns and each template is matched to similar image patches in different images. Thus the cosketch of the images helps to align foreground objects, thereby providing crucial information for cosegmentation. We present a statistical model whose energy function couples cosketch and cosegmentation. We then present an unsupervised learning algorithm that performs cosketch and cosegmentation by energy minimization. Experiments show that our method outperforms state of the art methods for cosegmentation on the challenging MSRC and iCoseg datasets. We also illustrate our method on a new dataset called Coseg-Rep where cosegmentation can be performed within a single image with repetitive patterns.

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