iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-73 iccv2013-73-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Mandar Dixit, Nikhil Rasiwasia, Nuno Vasconcelos
Abstract: An extension of the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), denoted class-specific-simplex LDA (css-LDA), is proposed for image classification. An analysis of the supervised LDA models currently used for this task shows that the impact of class information on the topics discovered by these models is very weak in general. This implies that the discovered topics are driven by general image regularities, rather than the semantic regularities of interest for classification. To address this, we introduce a model that induces supervision in topic discovery, while retaining the original flexibility of LDA to account for unanticipated structures of interest. The proposed css-LDA is an LDA model with class supervision at the level of image features. In css-LDA topics are discovered per class, i.e. a single set of topics shared across classes is replaced by multiple class-specific topic sets. This model can be used for generative classification using the Bayes decision rule or even extended to discriminative classification with support vector machines (SVMs). A css-LDA model can endow an image with a vector of class and topic specific count statistics that are similar to the Bag-of-words (BoW) histogram. SVM-based discriminants can be learned for classes in the space of these histograms. The effectiveness of css-LDA model in both generative and discriminative classification frameworks is demonstrated through an extensive experimental evaluation, involving multiple benchmark datasets, where it is shown to outperform all existing LDA based image classification approaches.
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