iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-52 iccv2013-52-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

52 iccv-2013-Attribute Adaptation for Personalized Image Search

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Author: Adriana Kovashka, Kristen Grauman

Abstract: Current methods learn monolithic attribute predictors, with the assumption that a single model is sufficient to reflect human understanding of a visual attribute. However, in reality, humans vary in how they perceive the association between a named property and image content. For example, two people may have slightly different internal models for what makes a shoe look “formal”, or they may disagree on which of two scenes looks “more cluttered”. Rather than discount these differences as noise, we propose to learn user-specific attribute models. We adapt a generic model trained with annotations from multiple users, tailoring it to satisfy user-specific labels. Furthermore, we propose novel techniques to infer user-specific labels based on transitivity and contradictions in the user’s search history. We demonstrate that adapted attributes improve accuracy over both existing monolithic models as well as models that learn from scratch with user-specific data alone. In addition, we show how adapted attributes are useful to personalize image search, whether with binary or relative attributes.

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