iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-28 iccv2013-28-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Jinwei Ye, Yu Ji, Jingyi Yu
Abstract: Traditional stereo matching assumes perspective viewing cameras under a translational motion: the second camera is translated away from the first one to create parallax. In this paper, we investigate a different, rotational stereo model on a special multi-perspective camera, the XSlit camera [9, 24]. We show that rotational XSlit (R-XSlit) stereo can be effectively created by fixing the sensor and slit locations but switching the two slits’ directions. We first derive the epipolar geometry of R-XSlit in the 4D light field ray space. Our derivation leads to a simple but effective scheme for locating corresponding epipolar “curves ”. To conduct stereo matching, we further derive a new disparity term in our model and develop a patch-based graph-cut solution. To validate our theory, we assemble an XSlit lens by using a pair of cylindrical lenses coupled with slit-shaped apertures. The XSlit lens can be mounted on commodity cameras where the slit directions are adjustable to form desirable R-XSlit pairs. We show through experiments that R-XSlitprovides apotentially advantageous imaging system for conducting fixed-location, dynamic baseline stereo.
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