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21 iccv-2013-A Method of Perceptual-Based Shape Decomposition

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Author: Chang Ma, Zhongqian Dong, Tingting Jiang, Yizhou Wang, Wen Gao

Abstract: In thispaper, wepropose a novelperception-based shape decomposition method which aims to decompose a shape into semantically meaningful parts. In addition to three popular perception rules (the Minima rule, the Short-cut rule and the Convexity rule) in shape decomposition, we propose a new rule named part-similarity rule to encourage consistent partition of similar parts. The problem is formulated as a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) problem and is solved by a trust-region method. Experiment results on MPEG-7 dataset show that we can get a more consistent shape decomposition with human perception compared with other state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively. Finally, we show the advantage of semantic parts over non-meaningful parts in object detection on the ETHZ dataset.

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