emnlp emnlp2013 emnlp2013-147 emnlp2013-147-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Lifu Huang ; Lian'en Huang
Abstract: Recently, much research focuses on event storyline generation, which aims to produce a concise, global and temporal event summary from a collection of articles. Generally, each event contains multiple sub-events and the storyline should be composed by the component summaries of all the sub-events. However, different sub-events have different part-whole relationship with the major event, which is important to correspond to users’ interests but seldom considered in previous work. To distinguish different types of sub-events, we propose a mixture-event-aspect model which models different sub-events into local and global aspects. Combining these local/global aspects with summarization requirements together, we utilize an optimization method to generate the component summaries along the timeline. We develop experimental systems on 6 distinctively different datasets. Evaluation and comparison results indicate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
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