emnlp emnlp2013 emnlp2013-107 emnlp2013-107-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

107 emnlp-2013-Interactive Machine Translation using Hierarchical Translation Models

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Author: Jesus Gonzalez-Rubio ; Daniel Ortiz-Martinez ; Jose-Miguel Benedi ; Francisco Casacuberta

Abstract: Current automatic machine translation systems are not able to generate error-free translations and human intervention is often required to correct their output. Alternatively, an interactive framework that integrates the human knowledge into the translation process has been presented in previous works. Here, we describe a new interactive machine translation approach that is able to work with phrase-based and hierarchical translation models, and integrates error-correction all in a unified statistical framework. In our experiments, our approach outperforms previous interactive translation systems, and achieves estimated effort reductions of as much as 48% relative over a traditional post-edition system.

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