emnlp emnlp2013 emnlp2013-100 emnlp2013-100-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Hiroshi Noji ; Daichi Mochihashi ; Yusuke Miyao
Abstract: One of the language phenomena that n-gram language model fails to capture is the topic information of a given situation. We advance the previous study of the Bayesian topic language model by Wallach (2006) in two directions: one, investigating new priors to alleviate the sparseness problem caused by dividing all ngrams into exclusive topics, and two, developing a novel Gibbs sampler that enables moving multiple n-grams across different documents to another topic. Our blocked sampler can efficiently search for higher probability space even with higher order n-grams. In terms of modeling assumption, we found it is effective to assign a topic to only some parts of a document.
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