emnlp emnlp2013 emnlp2013-77 emnlp2013-77-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

77 emnlp-2013-Exploiting Domain Knowledge in Aspect Extraction

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Author: Zhiyuan Chen ; Arjun Mukherjee ; Bing Liu ; Meichun Hsu ; Malu Castellanos ; Riddhiman Ghosh

Abstract: Aspect extraction is one of the key tasks in sentiment analysis. In recent years, statistical models have been used for the task. However, such models without any domain knowledge often produce aspects that are not interpretable in applications. To tackle the issue, some knowledge-based topic models have been proposed, which allow the user to input some prior domain knowledge to generate coherent aspects. However, existing knowledge-based topic models have several major shortcomings, e.g., little work has been done to incorporate the cannot-link type of knowledge or to automatically adjust the number of topics based on domain knowledge. This paper proposes a more advanced topic model, called MC-LDA (LDA with m-set and c-set), to address these problems, which is based on an Extended generalized Pólya urn (E-GPU) model (which is also proposed in this paper). Experiments on real-life product reviews from a variety of domains show that MCLDA outperforms the existing state-of-the-art models markedly.

reference text

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