emnlp emnlp2012 emnlp2012-113 emnlp2012-113-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Varada Kolhatkar ; Graeme Hirst
Abstract: We annotate and resolve a particular case of abstract anaphora, namely, thisissue anaphora. We propose a candidate ranking model for this-issue anaphora resolution that explores different issuespecific and general abstract-anaphora features. The model is not restricted to nominal or verbal antecedents; rather, it is able to identify antecedents that are arbitrary spans of text. Our results show that (a) the model outperforms the strong adjacent-sentence baseline; (b) general abstract-anaphora features, as distinguished from issue-specific features, play a crucial role in this-issue anaphora resolution, suggesting that our approach can be generalized for other NPs such as this problem and this debate; and (c) it is possible to reduce the search space in order to improve performance.
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