emnlp emnlp2012 emnlp2012-92 emnlp2012-92-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Mahesh Joshi ; Mark Dredze ; William W. Cohen ; Carolyn Rose
Abstract: We present a systematic analysis of existing multi-domain learning approaches with respect to two questions. First, many multidomain learning algorithms resemble ensemble learning algorithms. (1) Are multi-domain learning improvements the result of ensemble learning effects? Second, these algorithms are traditionally evaluated in a balanced class label setting, although in practice many multidomain settings have domain-specific class label biases. When multi-domain learning is applied to these settings, (2) are multidomain methods improving because they capture domain-specific class biases? An understanding of these two issues presents a clearer idea about where the field has had success in multi-domain learning, and it suggests some important open questions for improving beyond the current state of the art.
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