emnlp emnlp2012 emnlp2012-91 emnlp2012-91-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Sameer Singh ; Michael Wick ; Andrew McCallum
Abstract: Conditional random fields and other graphical models have achieved state of the art results in a variety of tasks such as coreference, relation extraction, data integration, and parsing. Increasingly, practitioners are using models with more complex structure—higher treewidth, larger fan-out, more features, and more data—rendering even approximate inference methods such as MCMC inefficient. In this paper we propose an alternative MCMC sam- pling scheme in which transition probabilities are approximated by sampling from the set of relevant factors. We demonstrate that our method converges more quickly than a traditional MCMC sampler for both marginal and MAP inference. In an author coreference task with over 5 million mentions, we achieve a 13 times speedup over regular MCMC inference.
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