emnlp emnlp2012 emnlp2012-80 emnlp2012-80-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Hila Weisman ; Jonathan Berant ; Idan Szpektor ; Ido Dagan
Abstract: Learning inference relations between verbs is at the heart of many semantic applications. However, most prior work on learning such rules focused on a rather narrow set of information sources: mainly distributional similarity, and to a lesser extent manually constructed verb co-occurrence patterns. In this paper, we claim that it is imperative to utilize information from various textual scopes: verb co-occurrence within a sentence, verb cooccurrence within a document, as well as overall corpus statistics. To this end, we propose a much richer novel set of linguistically motivated cues for detecting entailment between verbs and combine them as features in a supervised classification framework. We empirically demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms previous methods and that information from each textual scope contributes to the verb entailment learning task.
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