cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-445 cvpr2013-445-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Luca Del_Pero, Joshua Bowdish, Bonnie Kermgard, Emily Hartley, Kobus Barnard
Abstract: We develop a comprehensive Bayesian generative model for understanding indoor scenes. While it is common in this domain to approximate objects with 3D bounding boxes, we propose using strong representations with finer granularity. For example, we model a chair as a set of four legs, a seat and a backrest. We find that modeling detailed geometry improves recognition and reconstruction, and enables more refined use of appearance for scene understanding. We demonstrate this with a new likelihood function that re- wards 3D object hypotheses whose 2D projection is more uniform in color distribution. Such a measure would be confused by background pixels if we used a bounding box to represent a concave object like a chair. Complex objects are modeled using a set or re-usable 3D parts, and we show that this representation captures much of the variation among object instances with relatively few parameters. We also designed specific data-driven inference mechanismsfor eachpart that are shared by all objects containing that part, which helps make inference transparent to the modeler. Further, we show how to exploit contextual relationships to detect more objects, by, for example, proposing chairs around and underneath tables. We present results showing the benefits of each of these innovations. The performance of our approach often exceeds that of state-of-the-art methods on the two tasks of room layout estimation and object recognition, as evaluated on two bench mark data sets used in this domain. work. 1) Detailed geometric models, such as tables with legs and top (bottom left), provide better reconstructions than plain boxes (top right), when supported by image features such as geometric context [5] (top middle), or an approach to using color introduced here. 2) Non convex models allow for complex configurations, such as a chair under a table (bottom middle). 3) 3D contextual relationships, such as chairs being around a table, allow identifying objects supported by little image evidence, like the chair behind the table (bottom right). Best viewed in color.
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