cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-409 cvpr2013-409-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Antony Lam, Imari Sato
Abstract: Hyperspectral reflectance data allows for highly accurate spectral relighting under arbitrary illumination, which is invaluable to applications ranging from archiving cultural e-heritage to consumer product design. Past methods for capturing the spectral reflectance of scenes has proven successful in relighting but they all share a common assumption. All the methods do not consider the effects of fluorescence despite fluorescence being found in many everyday objects. In this paper, we describe the very different ways that reflectance and fluorescence interact with illuminants and show the need to explicitly consider fluorescence in the relighting problem. We then propose a robust method based on well established theories of reflectance and fluorescence for imaging each of these components. Finally, we show that we can relight real scenes of reflective-fluorescent surfaces with much higher accuracy in comparison to only considering the reflective component.
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