cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-386 cvpr2013-386-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Abstract: We address the problem of long-term object tracking, where the object may become occluded or leave-the-view. In this setting, we show that an accurate appearance model is considerably more effective than a strong motion model. We develop simple but effective algorithms that alternate between tracking and learning a good appearance model given a track. We show that it is crucial to learn from the “right” frames, and use the formalism of self-paced curriculum learning to automatically select such frames. We leverage techniques from object detection for learning accurate appearance-based templates, demonstrating the importance of using a large negative training set (typically not used for tracking). We describe both an offline algorithm (that processes frames in batch) and a linear-time online (i.e. causal) algorithm that approaches real-time performance. Our models significantly outperform prior art, reducing the average error on benchmark videos by a factor of 4.
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