cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-313 cvpr2013-313-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Mehrsan Javan Roshtkhari, Martin D. Levine
Abstract: We present a novel approach for video parsing and simultaneous online learning of dominant and anomalous behaviors in surveillance videos. Dominant behaviors are those occurring frequently in videos and hence, usually do not attract much attention. They can be characterized by different complexities in space and time, ranging from a scene background to human activities. In contrast, an anomalous behavior is defined as having a low likelihood of occurrence. We do not employ any models of the entities in the scene in order to detect these two kinds of behaviors. In this paper, video events are learnt at each pixel without supervision using densely constructed spatio-temporal video volumes. Furthermore, the volumes are organized into large contextual graphs. These compositions are employed to construct a hierarchical codebook model for the dominant behaviors. By decomposing spatio-temporal contextual information into unique spatial and temporal contexts, the proposed framework learns the models of the dominant spatial and temporal events. Thus, it is ultimately capable of simultaneously modeling high-level behaviors as well as low-level spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal pixel level changes.
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