cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-277 cvpr2013-277-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Ben Sapp, Ben Taskar
Abstract: We propose a multimodal, decomposable model for articulated human pose estimation in monocular images. A typical approach to this problem is to use a linear structured model, which struggles to capture the wide range of appearance present in realistic, unconstrained images. In this paper, we instead propose a model of human pose that explicitly captures a variety of pose modes. Unlike other multimodal models, our approach includes both global and local pose cues and uses a convex objective and joint training for mode selection and pose estimation. We also employ a cascaded mode selection step which controls the trade-off between speed and accuracy, yielding a 5x speedup in inference and learning. Our model outperforms state-of-theart approaches across the accuracy-speed trade-off curve for several pose datasets. This includes our newly-collected dataset of people in movies, FLIC, which contains an order of magnitude more labeled data for training and testing than existing datasets. The new dataset and code are avail- able online. 1
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