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211 cvpr-2013-Image Matting with Local and Nonlocal Smooth Priors

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Author: Xiaowu Chen, Dongqing Zou, Steven Zhiying Zhou, Qinping Zhao, Ping Tan

Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel alpha matting method with local and nonlocal smooth priors. We observe that the manifold preserving editing propagation [4] essentially introduced a nonlocal smooth prior on the alpha matte. This nonlocal smooth prior and the well known local smooth priorfrom matting Laplacian complement each other. So we combine them with a simple data term from color sampling in a graph model for nature image matting. Our method has a closed-form solution and can be solved efficiently. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, our method produces more accurate results according to the evaluation on standard benchmark datasets.

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