cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-205 cvpr2013-205-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Simon Hadfield, Richard Bowden
Abstract: Action recognition in unconstrained situations is a difficult task, suffering from massive intra-class variations. It is made even more challenging when complex 3D actions are projected down to the image plane, losing a great deal of information. The recent emergence of 3D data, both in broadcast content, and commercial depth sensors, provides the possibility to overcome this issue. This paper presents a new dataset, for benchmarking action recognition algorithms in natural environments, while making use of 3D information. The dataset contains around 650 video clips, across 14 classes. In addition, two state of the art action recognition algorithms are extended to make use ofthe 3D data, andfive new interestpoint detection strategies are alsoproposed, that extend to the 3D data. Our evaluation compares all 4 feature descriptors, using 7 different types of interest point, over a variety of threshold levels, for the Hollywood3D dataset. We make the dataset including stereo video, estimated depth maps and all code required to reproduce the benchmark results, available to the wider community.
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