cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-166 cvpr2013-166-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

166 cvpr-2013-Fast Image Super-Resolution Based on In-Place Example Regression

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Author: Jianchao Yang, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen

Abstract: We propose a fast regression model for practical single image super-resolution based on in-place examples, by leveraging two fundamental super-resolution approaches— learning from an external database and learning from selfexamples. Our in-place self-similarity refines the recently proposed local self-similarity by proving that a patch in the upper scale image have good matches around its origin location in the lower scale image. Based on the in-place examples, a first-order approximation of the nonlinear mapping function from low- to high-resolution image patches is learned. Extensive experiments on benchmark and realworld images demonstrate that our algorithm can produce natural-looking results with sharp edges and preserved fine details, while the current state-of-the-art algorithms are prone to visual artifacts. Furthermore, our model can easily extend to deal with noise by combining the regression results on multiple in-place examples for robust estimation. The algorithm runs fast and is particularly useful for practical applications, where the input images typically contain diverse textures and they are potentially contaminated by noise or compression artifacts.

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