cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-146 cvpr2013-146-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Tim Matthews, Mark S. Nixon, Mahesan Niranjan
Abstract: We argue for the importance of explicit semantic modelling in human-centred texture analysis tasks such as retrieval, annotation, synthesis, and zero-shot learning. To this end, low-level attributes are selected and used to define a semantic space for texture. 319 texture classes varying in illumination and rotation are positioned within this semantic space using a pairwise relative comparison procedure. Low-level visual features used by existing texture descriptors are then assessed in terms of their correspondence to the semantic space. Textures with strong presence ofattributes connoting randomness and complexity are shown to be poorly modelled by existing descriptors. In a retrieval experiment semantic descriptors are shown to outperform visual descriptors. Semantic modelling of texture is thus shown to provide considerable value in both feature selection and in analysis tasks.
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