cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-134 cvpr2013-134-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Minh Hoai, Andrew Zisserman
Abstract: The objective of this work is to learn sub-categories. Rather than casting this as a problem of unsupervised clustering, we investigate a weakly supervised approach using both positive and negative samples of the category. We make the following contributions: (i) we introduce a new model for discriminative sub-categorization which determines cluster membership for positive samples whilst simultaneously learning a max-margin classifier to separate each cluster from the negative samples; (ii) we show that this model does not suffer from the degenerate cluster problem that afflicts several competing methods (e.g., Latent SVM and Max-Margin Clustering); (iii) we show that the method is able to discover interpretable sub-categories in various datasets. The model is evaluated experimentally over various datasets, and itsperformance advantages over k-means and Latent SVM are demonstrated. We also stress test the model and show its resilience in discovering sub-categories as the parameters are varied.
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