cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-132 cvpr2013-132-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

132 cvpr-2013-Discriminative Re-ranking of Diverse Segmentations

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Author: Payman Yadollahpour, Dhruv Batra, Gregory Shakhnarovich

Abstract: This paper introduces a two-stage approach to semantic image segmentation. In the first stage a probabilistic model generates a set of diverse plausible segmentations. In the second stage, a discriminatively trained re-ranking model selects the best segmentation from this set. The re-ranking stage can use much more complex features than what could be tractably used in the probabilistic model, allowing a better exploration of the solution space than possible by simply producing the most probable solution from the probabilistic model. While our proposed approach already achieves state-of-the-art results (48.1%) on the challenging VOC 2012 dataset, our machine and human analyses suggest that even larger gains are possible with such an approach.

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