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102 cvpr-2013-Decoding, Calibration and Rectification for Lenselet-Based Plenoptic Cameras

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Author: Donald G. Dansereau, Oscar Pizarro, Stefan B. Williams

Abstract: Plenoptic cameras are gaining attention for their unique light gathering and post-capture processing capabilities. We describe a decoding, calibration and rectification procedurefor lenselet-basedplenoptic cameras appropriatefor a range of computer vision applications. We derive a novel physically based 4D intrinsic matrix relating each recorded pixel to its corresponding ray in 3D space. We further propose a radial distortion model and a practical objective function based on ray reprojection. Our 15-parameter camera model is of much lower dimensionality than camera array models, and more closely represents the physics of lenselet-based cameras. Results include calibration of a commercially available camera using three calibration grid sizes over five datasets. Typical RMS ray reprojection errors are 0.0628, 0.105 and 0.363 mm for 3.61, 7.22 and 35.1 mm calibration grids, respectively. Rectification examples include calibration targets and real-world imagery.

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