acl acl2012 acl2012-160 acl2012-160-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Ai Ti Aw ; Lian Hau Lee
Abstract: This paper describes the personalized normalization of a multilingual chat system that supports chatting in user defined short-forms or abbreviations. One of the major challenges for multilingual chat realized through machine translation technology is the normalization of non-standard, self-created short-forms in the chat message to standard words before translation. Due to the lack of training data and the variations of short-forms used among different social communities, it is hard to normalize and translate chat messages if user uses vocabularies outside the training data and create short-forms freely. We develop a personalized chat normalizer for English and integrate it with a multilingual chat system, allowing user to create and use personalized short-forms in multilingual chat. 1
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