acl acl2012 acl2012-112 acl2012-112-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

112 acl-2012-Humor as Circuits in Semantic Networks

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Author: Igor Labutov ; Hod Lipson

Abstract: This work presents a first step to a general implementation of the Semantic-Script Theory of Humor (SSTH). Of the scarce amount of research in computational humor, no research had focused on humor generation beyond simple puns and punning riddles. We propose an algorithm for mining simple humorous scripts from a semantic network (ConceptNet) by specifically searching for dual scripts that jointly maximize overlap and incongruity metrics in line with Raskin’s Semantic-Script Theory of Humor. Initial results show that a more relaxed constraint of this form is capable of generating humor of deeper semantic content than wordplay riddles. We evaluate the said metrics through a user-assessed quality of the generated two-liners.

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