acl acl2012 acl2012-87 acl2012-87-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Zhenghua Li ; Ting Liu ; Wanxiang Che
Abstract: We present a simple and effective framework for exploiting multiple monolingual treebanks with different annotation guidelines for parsing. Several types of transformation patterns (TP) are designed to capture the systematic annotation inconsistencies among different treebanks. Based on such TPs, we design quasisynchronous grammar features to augment the baseline parsing models. Our approach can significantly advance the state-of-the-art parsing accuracy on two widely used target treebanks (Penn Chinese Treebank 5. 1 and 6.0) using the Chinese Dependency Treebank as the source treebank. The improvements are respectively 1.37% and 1.10% with automatic part-of-speech tags. Moreover, an indirect comparison indicates that our approach also outperforms previous work based on treebank conversion.
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