acl acl2012 acl2012-56 acl2012-56-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Geoffrey Zweig ; John C. Platt ; Christopher Meek ; Christopher J.C. Burges ; Ainur Yessenalina ; Qiang Liu
Abstract: This paper studies the problem of sentencelevel semantic coherence by answering SATstyle sentence completion questions. These questions test the ability of algorithms to distinguish sense from nonsense based on a variety of sentence-level phenomena. We tackle the problem with two approaches: methods that use local lexical information, such as the n-grams of a classical language model; and methods that evaluate global coherence, such as latent semantic analysis. We evaluate these methods on a suite of practice SAT questions, and on a recently released sentence completion task based on data taken from five Conan Doyle novels. We find that by fusing local and global information, we can exceed 50% on this task (chance baseline is 20%), and we suggest some avenues for further research.
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