acl acl2011 acl2011-282 acl2011-282-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Yue Zhang ; Stephen Clark
Abstract: CCGs are directly compatible with binarybranching bottom-up parsing algorithms, in particular CKY and shift-reduce algorithms. While the chart-based approach has been the dominant approach for CCG, the shift-reduce method has been little explored. In this paper, we develop a shift-reduce CCG parser using a discriminative model and beam search, and compare its strengths and weaknesses with the chart-based C&C; parser. We study different errors made by the two parsers, and show that the shift-reduce parser gives competitive accuracies compared to C&C.; Considering our use of a small beam, and given the high ambiguity levels in an automatically-extracted grammar and the amount of information in the CCG lexical categories which form the shift actions, this is a surprising result.
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