acl acl2011 acl2011-265 acl2011-265-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

265 acl-2011-Reordering Modeling using Weighted Alignment Matrices

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Author: Wang Ling ; Tiago Luis ; Joao Graca ; Isabel Trancoso ; Luisa Coheur

Abstract: In most statistical machine translation systems, the phrase/rule extraction algorithm uses alignments in the 1-best form, which might contain spurious alignment points. The usage ofweighted alignment matrices that encode all possible alignments has been shown to generate better phrase tables for phrase-based systems. We propose two algorithms to generate the well known MSD reordering model using weighted alignment matrices. Experiments on the IWSLT 2010 evaluation datasets for two language pairs with different alignment algorithms show that our methods produce more accurate reordering models, as can be shown by an increase over the regular MSD models of 0.4 BLEU points in the BTEC French to English test set, and of 1.5 BLEU points in the DIALOG Chinese to English test set.

reference text

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