acl acl2011 acl2011-187 acl2011-187-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick ; Dan Gillick ; Dan Klein
Abstract: We learn a joint model of sentence extraction and compression for multi-document summarization. Our model scores candidate summaries according to a combined linear model whose features factor over (1) the n-gram types in the summary and (2) the compressions used. We train the model using a marginbased objective whose loss captures end summary quality. Because of the exponentially large set of candidate summaries, we use a cutting-plane algorithm to incrementally detect and add active constraints efficiently. Inference in our model can be cast as an ILP and thereby solved in reasonable time; we also present a fast approximation scheme which achieves similar performance. Our jointly extracted and compressed summaries outperform both unlearned baselines and our learned extraction-only system on both ROUGE and Pyramid, without a drop in judged linguistic quality. We achieve the highest published ROUGE results to date on the TAC 2008 data set.
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