acl acl2011 acl2011-159 acl2011-159-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

159 acl-2011-Identifying Noun Product Features that Imply Opinions

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Author: Lei Zhang ; Bing Liu

Abstract: Identifying domain-dependent opinion words is a key problem in opinion mining and has been studied by several researchers. However, existing work has been focused on adjectives and to some extent verbs. Limited work has been done on nouns and noun phrases. In our work, we used the feature-based opinion mining model, and we found that in some domains nouns and noun phrases that indicate product features may also imply opinions. In many such cases, these nouns are not subjective but objective. Their involved sentences are also objective sentences and imply positive or negative opinions. Identifying such nouns and noun phrases and their polarities is very challenging but critical for effective opinion mining in these domains. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been studied in the literature. This paper proposes a method to deal with the problem. Experimental results based on real-life datasets show promising results. 1

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