acl acl2011 acl2011-121 acl2011-121-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Edward Benson ; Aria Haghighi ; Regina Barzilay
Abstract: We present a novel method for record extraction from social streams such as Twitter. Unlike typical extraction setups, these environments are characterized by short, one sentence messages with heavily colloquial speech. To further complicate matters, individual messages may not express the full relation to be uncovered, as is often assumed in extraction tasks. We develop a graphical model that addresses these problems by learning a latent set of records and a record-message alignment simultaneously; the output of our model is a set of canonical records, the values of which are consistent with aligned messages. We demonstrate that our approach is able to accurately induce event records from Twitter messages, evaluated against events from a local city guide. Our method achieves significant error reduction over baseline methods.1
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