acl acl2011 acl2011-58 acl2011-58-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

58 acl-2011-Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing

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Author: Nathan Bodenstab ; Aaron Dunlop ; Keith Hall ; Brian Roark

Abstract: Efficient decoding for syntactic parsing has become a necessary research area as statistical grammars grow in accuracy and size and as more NLP applications leverage syntactic analyses. We review prior methods for pruning and then present a new framework that unifies their strengths into a single approach. Using a log linear model, we learn the optimal beam-search pruning parameters for each CYK chart cell, effectively predicting the most promising areas of the model space to explore. We demonstrate that our method is faster than coarse-to-fine pruning, exemplified in both the Charniak and Berkeley parsers, by empirically comparing our parser to the Berkeley parser using the same grammar and under identical operating conditions.

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