acl acl2010 acl2010-240 acl2010-240-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Joern Wuebker ; Arne Mauser ; Hermann Ney
Abstract: Several attempts have been made to learn phrase translation probabilities for phrasebased statistical machine translation that go beyond pure counting of phrases in word-aligned training data. Most approaches report problems with overfitting. We describe a novel leavingone-out approach to prevent over-fitting that allows us to train phrase models that show improved translation performance on the WMT08 Europarl German-English task. In contrast to most previous work where phrase models were trained separately from other models used in translation, we include all components such as single word lexica and reordering mod- els in training. Using this consistent training of phrase models we are able to achieve improvements of up to 1.4 points in BLEU. As a side effect, the phrase table size is reduced by more than 80%.
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