acl acl2010 acl2010-204 acl2010-204-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

204 acl-2010-Recommendation in Internet Forums and Blogs

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Author: Jia Wang ; Qing Li ; Yuanzhu Peter Chen ; Zhangxi Lin

Abstract: The variety of engaging interactions among users in social medial distinguishes it from traditional Web media. Such a feature should be utilized while attempting to provide intelligent services to social media participants. In this article, we present a framework to recommend relevant information in Internet forums and blogs using user comments, one of the most representative of user behaviors in online discussion. When incorporating user comments, we consider structural, semantic, and authority information carried by them. One of the most important observation from this work is that semantic contents of user comments can play a fairly different role in a different form of social media. When designing a recommendation system for this purpose, such a difference must be considered with caution.

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