acl acl2010 acl2010-177 acl2010-177-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

177 acl-2010-Multilingual Pseudo-Relevance Feedback: Performance Study of Assisting Languages

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Author: Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla ; Karthik Raman ; Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: In a previous work of ours Chinnakotla et al. (2010) we introduced a novel framework for Pseudo-Relevance Feedback (PRF) called MultiPRF. Given a query in one language called Source, we used English as the Assisting Language to improve the performance of PRF for the source language. MulitiPRF showed remarkable improvement over plain Model Based Feedback (MBF) uniformly for 4 languages, viz., French, German, Hungarian and Finnish with English as the assisting language. This fact inspired us to study the effect of any source-assistant pair on MultiPRF performance from out of a set of languages with widely different characteristics, viz., Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German and Spanish. Carrying this further, we looked into the effect of using two assisting languages together on PRF. The present paper is a report of these investigations, their results and conclusions drawn therefrom. While performance improvement on MultiPRF is observed whatever the assisting language and whatever the source, observations are mixed when two assisting languages are used simultaneously. Interestingly, the performance improvement is more pronounced when the source and assisting languages are closely related, e.g., French and Spanish.

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