acl acl2010 acl2010-153 acl2010-153-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Junhui Li ; Guodong Zhou ; Hwee Tou Ng
Abstract: This paper explores joint syntactic and semantic parsing of Chinese to further improve the performance of both syntactic and semantic parsing, in particular the performance of semantic parsing (in this paper, semantic role labeling). This is done from two levels. Firstly, an integrated parsing approach is proposed to integrate semantic parsing into the syntactic parsing process. Secondly, semantic information generated by semantic parsing is incorporated into the syntactic parsing model to better capture semantic information in syntactic parsing. Evaluation on Chinese TreeBank, Chinese PropBank, and Chinese NomBank shows that our integrated parsing approach outperforms the pipeline parsing approach on n-best parse trees, a natural extension of the widely used pipeline parsing approach on the top-best parse tree. Moreover, it shows that incorporating semantic role-related information into the syntactic parsing model significantly improves the performance of both syntactic parsing and semantic parsing. To our best knowledge, this is the first research on exploring syntactic parsing and semantic role labeling for both verbal and nominal predicates in an integrated way. 1
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