acl acl2010 acl2010-141 acl2010-141-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

141 acl-2010-Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks

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Author: Ahmed Hassan ; Dragomir Radev

Abstract: Automatically identifying the polarity of words is a very important task in Natural Language Processing. It has applications in text classification, text filtering, analysis of product review, analysis of responses to surveys, and mining online discussions. We propose a method for identifying the polarity of words. We apply a Markov random walk model to a large word relatedness graph, producing a polarity estimate for any given word. A key advantage of the model is its ability to accurately and quickly assign a polarity sign and magnitude to any word. The method could be used both in a semi-supervised setting where a training set of labeled words is used, and in an unsupervised setting where a handful of seeds is used to define the two polarity classes. The method is experimentally tested using a manually labeled set of positive and negative words. It outperforms the state of the art methods in the semi-supervised setting. The results in the unsupervised setting is comparable to the best reported values. However, the proposed method is faster and does not need a large corpus.

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