acl acl2010 acl2010-52 acl2010-52-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Wenliang Chen ; Jun'ichi Kazama ; Kentaro Torisawa
Abstract: This paper proposes a dependency parsing method that uses bilingual constraints to improve the accuracy of parsing bilingual texts (bitexts). In our method, a targetside tree fragment that corresponds to a source-side tree fragment is identified via word alignment and mapping rules that are automatically learned. Then it is verified by checking the subtree list that is collected from large scale automatically parsed data on the target side. Our method, thus, requires gold standard trees only on the source side of a bilingual corpus in the training phase, unlike the joint parsing model, which requires gold standard trees on the both sides. Compared to the reordering constraint model, which requires the same training data as ours, our method achieved higher accuracy because ofricher bilingual constraints. Experiments on the translated portion of the Chinese Treebank show that our system outperforms monolingual parsers by 2.93 points for Chinese and 1.64 points for English.
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