acl acl2010 acl2010-50 acl2010-50-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Daphna Shezaf ; Ari Rappoport
Abstract: Bilingual lexicons are fundamental resources. Modern automated lexicon generation methods usually require parallel corpora, which are not available for most language pairs. Lexicons can be generated using non-parallel corpora or a pivot language, but such lexicons are noisy. We present an algorithm for generating a high quality lexicon from a noisy one, which only requires an independent corpus for each language. Our algorithm introduces non-aligned signatures (NAS), a cross-lingual word context similarity score that avoids the over-constrained and inef- ficient nature of alignment-based methods. We use NAS to eliminate incorrect translations from the generated lexicon. We evaluate our method by improving the quality of noisy Spanish-Hebrew lexicons generated from two pivot English lexicons. Our algorithm substantially outperforms other lexicon generation methods.
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