acl acl2010 acl2010-29 acl2010-29-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Eric Corlett ; Gerald Penn
Abstract: Letter-substitution ciphers encode a document from a known or hypothesized language into an unknown writing system or an unknown encoding of a known writing system. It is a problem that can occur in a number of practical applications, such as in the problem of determining the encodings of electronic documents in which the language is known, but the encoding standard is not. It has also been used in relation to OCR applications. In this paper, we introduce an exact method for deciphering messages using a generalization of the Viterbi algorithm. We test this model on a set of ciphers developed from various web sites, and find that our algorithm has the potential to be a viable, practical method for efficiently solving decipherment prob- lems.
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