hunch_net hunch_net-2014 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

hunch_net 2014 knowledge graph

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1 hunch net-2014-03-11-The New York ML Symposium, take 2

Introduction: The 20 13 14 is New York Machine Learning Symposium is finally happening on March 28th at the New York Academy of Science . Every invited speaker interests me personally. They are: Rayid Ghani (Chief Scientist at Obama 2012) Brian Kingsbury (Speech Recognition @ IBM) Jorge Nocedal (who did LBFGS) We’ve been somewhat disorganized in advertising this. As a consequence, anyone who has not submitted an abstract but would like to do so may send one directly to me ( title NYASMLS) by Friday March 14. I will forward them to the rest of the committee for consideration.

2 hunch net-2014-02-16-Metacademy: a package manager for knowledge

Introduction: In recent years, there’s been an explosion of free educational resources that make high-level knowledge and skills accessible to an ever-wider group of people. In your own field, you probably have a good idea of where to look for the answer to any particular question. But outside your areas of expertise, sifting through textbooks, Wikipedia articles, research papers, and online lectures can be bewildering (unless you’re fortunate enough to have a knowledgeable colleague to consult). What are the key concepts in the field, how do they relate to each other, which ones should you learn, and where should you learn them? Courses are a major vehicle for packaging educational materials for a broad audience. The trouble is that they’re typically meant to be consumed linearly, regardless of your specific background or goals. Also, unless thousands of other people have had the same background and learning goals, there may not even be a course that fits your needs. Recently, we ( Roger Grosse